Darkest Dungeon®
2 779
Giocatori in game
125 871 😀     11 513 😒
$4.99 USD

Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon è un coinvolgente RPG roguelike a turni gotico, incentrato sullo stress da avventura. Recluta, allena e guida un gruppo di eroi disturbati attraverso orrori inimmaginabili, stress, carestie, malattie e tenebre voraci. Riuscirai a mantenere salda la loro risolutezza quando la speranza li avrà abbandonati?
ID applicazione262060
Tipo di applicazioneGAME
Sviluppatori Red Hook Studios
Publisher Red Hook Studios
Categorie Single-player, Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud, Partial Controller Support, Steam Trading Cards, Remote Play on Tablet
Generi Indie, Strategy, RPG
Data di uscita19 Gen, 2016

Classifiche, statistiche e conteggio dei giocatori in tempo reale di Steam
Darkest Dungeon®
2 779 Giocatori in game
18 802 Picco di tutti i tempi
90,44 Valutazione

Darkest Dungeon® Recensioni

Darkest Dungeon® DLC

Pacchetti correlati
ID Nome Prezzo
33877 Darkest Dungeon 4.99 $

Lingue supportate
Portuguese - Brazil French
Italian German
Spanish - Spain Simplified Chinese
Russian English
Korean Japanese
Czech Polish
Welcome home... Welcome home...
The first of many victories... The first of many victories...
Our victories are mounting... Our victories are mounting...
We are victorious, but at what cost... We are victorious, but at what cost...
Discretion, my old friend... Discretion, my old friend...
The first evil to fall... The first evil to fall...
A strenuous adventure comes to a close... A strenuous adventure comes to a close...
A grueling adventure comes to a close... A grueling adventure comes to a close...
A team of hardened veterans... A team of hardened veterans...
Like lambs to the slaughter... Like lambs to the slaughter...

Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®
Darkest Dungeon®

Darkest Dungeon® Video

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