Tempo di gioco:
746 minuti
[h1] [b] TL:DR [/b] [/h1]
"We got Dishonored at home" type of game, made by the same developers [i] (Arkane Studios) [/i]. Early 2006 jank makes for an interesting yet very poorly balanced and optimized setup. You can feel the heavy influence this game along with Thief had on the Dishonored series. Still, it's too unstable and unbalanced to be a truly enjoyable combat sandbox even if there is quite a lot of fun to be had. Also foot and naked demon lady
Now unto the review
[h1] Dark Messiah of Might & Magic [/h1] it's that pure dumb jank from the early source games that you were looking for.
The story's fairly simple, you're the supposed Dark Messiah and you must retrieve the skull of this dragon in order to stop the usual "world ending threat", even if that major threat it's just you, you just don't know it yet.
You'll see quite a lot of internal conflict due to this, especially when talking about choosing between 2 love interests that to keep it short I'll simplify it with "Goth mommy ending" vs "Trad gf ending" (I wish I were kidding but that's pretty much it)
I'm not super inspired in writing this, so sorry if it's bad, I wanted to let my thoughts out after finishing the game
Now let's talk [b] gameplay [/b]
I'll be frank, the jank is there, there's A LOT of it (especially in the movement compartment) but the game more than an RPG is also a very competent combat sandbox. You can pick and choose how to handle each combat encounter. Every room has different entrances or paths you can take.
Sneak past enemies? One shot them from behind? Snipe them with and arrow? Go in sword in hand? Spam magic? Hell yea you can do all of that in glorious 2006 game design. Lots and lots of freedom when it comes to approaching each arena.
Many solutions to the same problem, but those solutions often tend to be buggy or ineffective. The usual stealth archer is by far the easiest way to complete the game. Enemies are not ultra smart but are very very hyper-aggressive and fast, especially ghouls which are honestly the single worst and most dangerous enemy in game.
In terms of combat you have a large variety of weapons with the usual archetypes
- Sword
- Sword and Shield
- Daggers
- Stick
- Bow and Arrow
- Magic and especially Contextual Magic (Telekenisis, Ice magic to make enemies slip, etc)
- The mighty foot
All with major discrepancies in terms of effectiveness.
Magic seems to be fairly unbalanced in this game. Certain spells are extremely weak and some others utilize the game's jank to their advantage.
A simple example would be the fire spell and Telekenisis.
I'd sincerely recommend to just activate "sv_cheats 1" and tweak the settings for magic, the only fun one is the Ice spell, all the others (especially Telekenisis just feels weak, too weak)
Fire seems to be piss poor against pretty much everyone, Telekenisis would've been cool if it were actually easy to use. It's very very janky, stuff doesn't react as it should. Items get stuck, you can throw boxes, crates, barrels, brooms, directly at them and sometimes that's effective, some other times it feel like a light slap on the wrist.
It's a Source game with some of the worst physics I've seen. Frankly it's bad. The movement feels stiff, you keep sliding around, Sareth when you tap A hardly moves, so tiptoeing near ledges is harder than it needs to be. Climbing is god awfully janky. Many times you got the right height and speed to climb or vault over something and you just smack your forehead against the wall rather than climbing.
The extremely large amount of possibilities of tackling this games' missions and especially arenas is really remarkable and it would be most impressive if it did work. A large issue that this game as it's that "The game is fun but too janky and unprecise" so many hits during combat might seem to land but they didn't, so many power attacks should do quite the number to the enemy or at least stun them but that's rarely the case.
I'd go on but I'm too tired to go on.
It's a very poorly optimized game, many many crashes per playthrough, soft locks around the corner (had to go back to a 2 hour old save file in order to progress during the second to last chapter due to a bug with an NPC, which is a very common problem.
Due to the jank and the mediocre story I'd give the game a 5, but using an engine as vast and as fun (when it works...) and the combat arenas being fun I've genuinely enjoyed my time with the game , bringing the score to 6.5/10.
Game's not something that I'd call good, fun yes, but good doesn't deserve it. Too glitchy, too many softlocks, bad companion AI, poor balancing, all with a big coat of style, fun combat sandboxes and stunning scenarios
Game's fun but get it ONLY with a major discount, that makes it a bit better.
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😃 : 0