Tempo di gioco:
394 minuti
My hardware: nVidia RTX 3090; AMD Ryzen 7 5800x; 32 Giga of Ram; SSD hard drive; Oculus Rift CV1 with Supersampling at 1.7.
If you are reading to find out if Red Matter 2 is a title to buy, you can stop at the first few lines and buy the game without any problems. Technically it is extremely accurate. The effects created with the shaders, the materials that make up the levels, the voices of the characters, the simple and fluid game mechanics, the effects and the soundtrack that are not too intrusive but effective are the strengths that testify, among other things, a notable technical growth of the developers. In fact, the first Red Matter, despite being a valid title, fails to compete with its sequel.
Among other things, this is yet another game created with Unreal Engine. It's amazing how much space this game engine is gaining among Virtual Reality. And the quality that Unreal Engine is capable of delivering to the games is astounding.
Returning to the game and its mechanics, the puzzles are well thought out, never extremely complicated and sufficiently varied. I've never felt blocked by a puzzle but I've often felt satisfied that I figured out how to proceed.
The story is well thought out, perhaps a little too complex but still “plausible” and coherent. The “ethical principle” of freedom, if taken in general terms, can be shared.
That said, this is the third VR title I've played in which "the villains", the ethically reprehensible people who try to disrupt the world with their evil plans, are Russian. Of course, the name that designates the old "Soviet" territory is another. However the references to culture and art, as well as the language of the "enemies", etc. refer with overwhelming clarity to Russia. It doesn't matter that the "heroes" of this story are also "Russians". The message, somehow, is that that part of the world embodies and interprets the idea of absolute evil. And this saddens me and annoys me enormously. If any Russian is reading these lines, I would like to let him know that not everyone in the West is so simplistically inclined to create such a clear-cut dichotomy between good and evil, based on East and West. In our western societies there is so much that doesn't work. There is an amount of rot that would be enough to create endless dystopian games in which the part of the bad guys can be played by institutions of various degrees and levels, all rigorously Western. And I'm sorry that, with all the problems we have, our Western model of society can be taken as an example of freedom. It is not and it never will be because we are simply crushed and subjugated by corporations and powerful men just like in the rest of the world.
Here, it is the second time that I am forced to write in a review that I would like politics to stay out of Steam and that game developers would commit to unite, to make it clear that we are in the same boat in the world and that after all only a few “elect”, a small elite, can truly be considered free regardless of their race or language. In the West if you are not rich you are nothing. I hope this review is read by the developers and contemplates dedicating their next chapter of Red Matter to western inspired dystopias with its many flaws.
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