Tempo di gioco:
652 minuti
My Hardware: RTX 3090; AMD Ryzen 5800X; 32 giga of Ram; 1 tera SSD hard drive. Oculus Rift CV1. Super Sampling at 1.65.
My considerations on Wanderer are all in all extremely positive. However, I will begin to mention the defects: the technical department shows the most visible limits. 1) The game is never fluid and the stutterings, even with a decent hardware and a headset with a rather modest resolution, is constant and extremely annoying, so much so that I haven't played this title for months, fortunately forgetting to ask for a refund. 2) The animations of the characters are stiff, not very believable and forced. When an NPC has to interact with the environment, perhaps to pick up an object, the dynamic is almost ridiculous: the object disappears from a place to appear in the NPC's hands. 3) Often the game does not register a change, the modification of an environment made by the player, the resolution of a puzzle. Sometimes the sequence of events must be rigid and without a valid reason follow the one decided by the developers. Other times the game objects multiply for no reason, perhaps to make up for the fact that they often disappear who knows where, perhaps behind a piece of furniture. 4) The player interacts with the world using the controllers and hands. There is nothing more. There is no body, no bust. There are no legs. Interactions are often frustrating. There is no way to pick up the very object you want to hold in your hand without suffering. Often objects made up of several parts disassemble without our wanting it, just because we have aimed a millimeter to the right or to the left. Several times I have found something useless, such as a radio antenna, in my hand, perhaps during a firefight, while instead I simply wanted to reload a pistol. 5) The clock, when it interacts with us, is too intrusive. I appreciate the work done to make it "alive", with its own personality. The problem is that in the end I can't fully appreciate his exuberant character. 6) The plot events are too US-centric. I didn't like having to play the role of a person who, in order to pursue an absolute idea of peace and justice, often has to restore the leading role played by the United States in the 1900s. I keep my political ideas right away from Steam, which is my plaything, my playroom: the bad things in the world for me have to stay out of Steam. Precisely for this reason, however, the themes chosen by the developers disturbed and sometimes annoyed me. I'll just mention one thing: if the Russians had got to the moon before the US, nothing would have changed for me. It is humanity that has achieved a great result. The fact that the men who got there first were Americans doesn't matter to me. I will omit any further consideration, perhaps referring to the Second World War and the Soviets. I don't want to add anything else about it because, I repeat, Steam is a platform that shouldn't divide, especially for political reasons. But perhaps the problem is that this game was not designed for the whole world but only for a part of it. And I believe and hope this aspect simply denounces a bit of naivety on the part of the developers, who are not necessarily required to have shareable political ideas. The negatives end there. In my opinion, many defects depend on the lack of experience of the developers. But it's amazing that despite these limitations they managed to create a perfect game for virtual reality. Only those who know VR know how much there is a need for titles like Wanderer. The sense of presence that VR gives is the right magical ingredient to make this title epic, which allows us to experience fantastic scenarios in the first person inside the game. The same ones we may have dreamed of as children. The world, which I described earlier as a bit frustrating with cumbersome interactions, is nonetheless alive. The puzzles are always enjoyable to solve, challenging and varied. The situations to be faced are never the same. They can be merely tied to a sequence of logical puzzles or give us fast-paced action. The story is crafted very well. Time is conceived a bit like space. An object placed in time leaves its trace in subsequent timelines. The puzzles thus gain an additional dimension of depth, never banal. Plus this title is one of the few in VR to be as ambitious as this technology deserves. He's also one of the few that has a solid plot, a story. I admire the developers, who I imagine have thrown themselves into this project, infusing it with all their desires and fantasies, perhaps putting themselves to the test and gradually overcoming their technical limits. I make one last observation about Unreal. This Game Engine is capable of giving just such diamonds as Wanderer. It allows you to make your dreams come true even when programming skills would make these dreams impossible to grasp. In any case, to do so, developers must have faith, dedication and work hard. Therefore the merits of Wanderer and whoever created him are enormous.
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😃 : 0