Tempo di gioco:
1153 minuti
This game is somewhat special. Let me explain. Dogman is the very first game built by Daniel George, a solo indie dev from California who might be a bit inexperienced, yes, but... let me tell you, he DOES have a HUGE talent for horror! He is a true master in building spooky and haunting atmospheres, which then suddenly explode in short moments of pure terror! Dogman is a must-have for people like me who are extremely fascinated by cryptids and folklore. Frankly speaking, this game has some serious flaws, especially in optimization and difficulty balance: frame rate drops are frequent, often triggered by loud sounds, and the game in general is way too hard, it takes a lot of time and patience to fully master its mechanics. So, why do I recommend it? Because, guys, I rarely had so much fun while playing a game! This terrifying horror adventure is so fun, so charming, so entertaining, that I literally can't stop playing it! The atmosphere is extremely scary, the ambience is breathtaking, and the monsters, the notorious dogmen, are simply... BRUTAL! They are huge, noisy, hulking monstrosities that can literally freeze you on place with their sheer presence! During my whole gaming carreer, I have been rarely scared so much by a particular creature. That's why the game is so difficult. Despite what you may think after reading some other reviews, they are extremely powerful, yes, but they are not unbeatable. Almost all of them can be tricked in some way. But to do that, you have to stay absolutely calm, because one single mistake means immediate death. As soon as you lose control, you die. And of course it is extremely difficult to stay calm while a 3 meters tall beast is charging you frail little body at full speed! Their screams are so terrible that I haven't got used to them yet even after 8 hours of gameplay! But this is the beauty of this game. It is a horror game in its purest form. That's why I keep playing it despite the obvious design and performance flaws. If you want to feel the same strong emotions I'm feeling right now, go ahead and dive blindly into this new nightmare! But if you are easily frustrated, I suggest you play the second game of Daniel instead. It's called "Chester", and you can find it here on steam as well. Surely it is not as scary as Dogman, but it is WAY better designed, and offers a wonderful atmosphere and a lot of scares as well. I witnessed with my own eyes the remarkable progress this dev made in game design with his second product, and, really, I think we are in front of a potential rising star of horror here. If you don't believe me, give him a chance, you'll be positively surprised! His games are very cheap for the content they offer, so if you are ready to some new shivering adventures, don't think it twice, and show him the support he deserves.
Keep up like this, Daniel! You're doing great!
Cheers guys!
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😃 : 0