Snow Trail
$0.99 USD

Statistiche e grafici di Snow Trail

Snow Trail is a puzzle game that revolves around pushing snow blocks in order to reach a goal. Snow blocks can be pushed into water to create bridges, placed on pressure plates to open certain areas and much more! With 100 levels and multiple mechanics, each level has its own tricks!
ID applicazione1348240
Tipo di applicazioneGAME
Publisher Benjamin Kerr
Categorie Giocatore singolo, Obiettivi di Steam, Steam Cloud
Generi Indie
Data di uscita10 Lug, 2020

Snow Trail
0 Giocatori in game
1 Picco di tutti i tempi
0,00 Valutazione

Grafici Steam

Snow Trail
0 Giocatori in game
1 Picco di tutti i tempi
0,00 Valutazione

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471511 Snow Trail 0.99 $

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Slimes? Slimes?
Maybe they're nice? Maybe they're nice?
Is anyone home? Is anyone home?
Were they always purple? Were they always purple?
Halfway there... Halfway there...
Finish the Snow Trail Finish the Snow Trail
Magic x Trick Magic x Trick
But there is only one? But there is only one?
That does not look healthy That does not look healthy
Where does this go? Where does this go?


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