Tempo di gioco:
11185 minuti
It's really hard to talk about F76, it's a game that fundamentally doesn't know what it wants to be. It tries to be a survival, but there's food and water everywhere, it tries to be an MMO, but there's barely any reason to interact with other players, it tries to be a cashgrab, with a battle pass and everything, but it also gives you a decent amount of premium currency to buy stupid stuff in the shop, so it even fails at being a cashgrab, it tries to be a Fallout game, but it cannot compare, in terms of quality of gameplay and writing, to any other Fallout title. I also found most of the game to be laughably easy, what's the point of fighting a deathclaw if it has the same stats and fights the same way as, say, a melee supermutant or a mirelurk? There are many different kind of enemies, but they are all essentially the same, and they all go down in 2/3 hits. There's also a big lack of weapons and armor variety, not to mention the perks, where most of your build will be dedicated to getting a +% to your chosen weapon type, instead of actually fun stuff.
And we haven't even talked about all the Fallout 1st crap, but honestly, I managed to play for 200 hours and I've learned how to play around the limited inventory space, which is something that ABSOLUTELY cannot be said for ESO, so I'm not even bothered.
Despite the many, many shortcomings of F76, I still had a lot of fun with it, once I've learned what the game really is about. F76 is about picking a direction and see what you find, which is an experience that is part of the roots of Bethesda games, so at least they got that right, but this time, I could do that in co-op.
Despite what you may think, F76 is actually a decent co-op game, sure there are a lot of quests that you'll have to do two times, but, honestly, they are never more than 10/15 minutes long, and this is in mmo, so double the quests, double the loot, double the exp etc etc, so who cares.
Base bulding was also really fun for us, sure at the start it was a damn headache, having to figure out which gods we had to pray to so we could build a couple of stairs without the home exploding, but once we did, filling the camp with all of the silly stuff we found on our adventures was a delight (and also where we spent a good 50 hours of our gameplay).
Honestly I'm more bothered about the restrictions for building in your friend camp than anything else, just let the owner give the guests privileges for building whatever, can't be that hard.
The game also managed to achieve a certain unique feel, there's just something to exploring this colorful world that cannot be found elsewhere. I also enjoyed most of the music tracks, but somehow I cannot recall any of them, to make a Fallout game and not have any iconic music, is an achievement in of itself.
If you are able to take this game for what it is, a silly adventure to go on with a friend, to kill random stuff and equip silly costumes, then you're going to have a lot of fun.
If you are going to download this game, expecting a Fallout game, an mmo, a survival, or anything with substance, there's nothing for you here.
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😃 : 0