Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine
$29.99 USD

Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine

This pack includes:— Armoured car “Famine Machine”.— Unique epic cabin “Howl”.— A unique portrait of Veran Wolf aka Famine.— Paint cans “Eroded Metal”.— Unique decor “Swarm” (left and right).— 1500 in-game coins.Additionally, the player gets:— Weapons: “Junkbow” shotgun, 2 pcs; “Borer” melee weapon, 2 pcs.— “Famine” structural parts.

Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine DLC
ID Nome Tipo Data di uscita
386180 Crossout Crossout GAME 26 Lug, 2017

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ID Nome Prezzo
361368 Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine 29.99 $

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Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine
Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine
Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine
Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine
Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine
Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine
Crossout - Horsemen of Apocalypse: Famine

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