Battle Brothers - Support the Developers & Kraken Banner
$9.99 USD

Battle Brothers - Support the Developers & Kraken Banner

The legendary Kraken is the most dangerous creature in the world of Battle Brothers. Now your company can boast banner and shields depicting this infamous creature to strike fear into the hearts of your enemies! The banner is part of the 'Beasts & Exploration Supporter Edition'.
ID de l'app986090
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs Overhype Studios
Catégories Single-player, Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud, Downloadable Content, Steam Trading Cards
Genres Indie, Strategy, RPG
Date de sortie29 Nov, 2018

Battle Brothers - Support the Developers & Kraken Banner DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
365360 Battle Brothers Battle Brothers GAME 24 Mars, 2017

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
324633 Support the Developers & Kraken Banner 9.99 $

Langues prises en charge
Captures d'écran
Battle Brothers - Support the Developers & Kraken Banner

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