Modo indie - Polystein Kit
$99.99 USD

Modo indie - Polystein Kit

Custom character feature presets for Modo indie that can be seamlessly added to an organic model with a single click of the mouse.
ID de l'app821470
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs Pushing Points
Éditeurs Foundry
Catégories Downloadable Content
Genres Animation & Modeling, Design & Illustration
Date de sortie18 Mai, 2018

Modo indie - Polystein Kit DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
401090 MODO indie MODO indie GAME 24 Sept, 2015

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
251939 Modo indie - Polystein Kit 99.99 $

Langues prises en charge
Captures d'écran
Modo indie - Polystein Kit
Modo indie - Polystein Kit
Modo indie - Polystein Kit
Modo indie - Polystein Kit
Modo indie - Polystein Kit
Modo indie - Polystein Kit
Modo indie - Polystein Kit

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