Protectorate Starter Bundle
$14.99 USD

Protectorate Starter Bundle

Jump right into the world of PoxNora with this bundle of ready to play decks. While the decks are designed to be playable out of the box, you can also adjust them once purchased.
ID de l'app649431
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs Desert Owl Games LLC
Éditeurs Desert Owl Games LLC
Catégories Single-player, Multi-player, Downloadable Content, Steam Trading Cards
Genres Strategy, RPG, Free to Play
Date de sortie15 Juin, 2017

Protectorate Starter Bundle DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
201210 Pox Nora Pox Nora GAME 15 Oct, 2014

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
182699 Protectorate Starter Bundle 14.99 $

Langues prises en charge
Captures d'écran
Protectorate Starter Bundle
Protectorate Starter Bundle
Protectorate Starter Bundle
Protectorate Starter Bundle
Protectorate Starter Bundle

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