Temps de jeu:
3278 minutes
[h2] It's cool! But my brain melts when I need to store what I love and don't find relevent in this game. [/h2]
[h3] There will be spoilers! [/h3]
After having 100% the game and looked at many good and bad reviews of it. I thought it would be a good idea to organize, write and share my feelings on this game.
I'll start by saying that, [b] yes, I loved this game, when I firgured everything about the whole story, I cried not even when I thought I would.
I recommend to play this game [/b] if you are [b] into sexy dragons [/b] and you don't bother [b] reading a lot and understand sci-fi plots. [/b]
I can't figure how to separate different aspect of the game between good or bad, I feel like they all have more or less good or bad in them.
So I'll take a closer look to each of them.
[h3] → Characters: [/h3]
Despite seeing some reviews talking about them not being well written, I personally disagree with that. I found some not as well written as others, but overall, wheter it be about their lore and interactions with others [spoiler] Espacially the connection with the trio Remy, Adine and Anna)[/spoiler], or their overall story and actions, I really [b] LOVED [/b] the characters and getting to know them.
Sadly, it's not the case with every character, I learned that Lorem was added after them 4 mains characters (I don't want to say anything stupid but I think it was because of a sponsor during the Indiegogo campaing), and it sadly feels like he was just put here, without real interesting interactions with other dragons [spoiler] (or except the theories about the egg I think, I'm not sure) [/spoiler]. Same thing for his route, I think it's too much talking that is not really interesting (except the 2 last ones, where there was some events and twists, but no real romance like the others).
[b] About their dates [/b], I do think they are good and works well, I saw some reviews saying it was more like hang out with friends, and I can understand why (especially after playing the Freefall mod <3). Maybe you can find that their is too much talking? But that's exactly what I want for a date with those characters, getting to know their passion, their hobbies and stuff. I just find it cute when they obviously talk so much about what they love. Thanksfully some dates also gives lots of infos about the lore, and the cute / romantic moments for me are enough to feel the romance and let our imagination take the lead. Some even have special dialogues if you learned about something with someone else before, which is good for learning more about their interactions [spoiler] (again with Remy, Anna and Adine) [/spoiler].
I steel feel there should be more of them, especially if [spoiler] One of the characters dies, it feels too much like nothing happened, it's normal for a VN to not be able to respect ALL the interactions the characters should have, but at least some unique sad dialogues could bring up some emotions and logic
Most importantly, the true ending is good for me, and even made me sad for Izumi, but there should at least be some scene after with our dated dragon, I guess it kills the logic of the future sequel, but it would be wayyy more satisfying for the player, to finally know they saved everyone AND have the future wanted with their favorite dragon (I take again the mod Freefall as an exemple, yes it can't work in the true ending timeline, but at least something of this sort before our character and dragon goes to the human world. [/spoiler].
[h3] → Mechanics & Choices: [/h3]
I am pretty mixed about them, there is different uses of choices, some are used to see what kind of answer we'll have, especially in dating, and mostly will determine if the character will like you or not, but there is more! Some characters will feel abandonned if you end up not answering after dating once with them, some choices you make in those date can change other interactions you'll have in the main story, even change it a bit [spoiler] (only for Remy I think) [/spoiler]. Some will give you another chance if you end up meeting them again, all of that feels REALLY GOOD for a VN.
Of course there will be main story choices, that often have big consequences and again that's vital for a VN.
[b] HOWEVER... [/b] I'll talk more about that problem in the Writting/Story part, but to be fair, most of the CONSEQUENCES doesn't feel really impactfull when you end up exploring some different endings... I couldn't really feel that except some dialogues that feel too week, I will give some exemples: [spoiler] The choice which decides if Bryce will die or not, it's an impactfull choice, but the consequence that Bryce died, except if you were dating him, doesn't feel impactful, Sebastian just gives some unique dialogues but that all. Since there is 2 endings for each character, the main impacts then are pretty much all about if you successfully date a character or not, other character dying does affect this those endings. Maybe Bryce for example should have a big role at the end which would decide if Reza escapes or not, but that would be a whole bunch of mess with all the endings and stuff, so the idea would be to change the ending system, idk if I'm really clear here TvT) [/spoiler].
About the [b] Investigations [/b]. The first one gives a pretty good look of a nice VN gameplay section, then all the other investigation are all about if you go to the right place, but doesn't gives any real clues or gameplay elements to have fun with. It would be awesome to have a real big investigation and in the end some real clues could help us take the right choices to have a better ending and find out what happened, this kind of stuff where the player actually have to think and assemble puzzle pieces.
So yeah, except for archivement, doing good on the "investiations" does feel rewarding and that's a shame :( since unlocking some clues like the hatch passeword is a good start.
I'll finish this part by saying that the triggers for the good endings being obects or informations you can have by doing multiples routes and search a bit is at first a good idea. It uses well the main mechanics of the lore [spoiler] (Time Travel and memories) [/spoiler]. My only problem with them is that we often just find them by accident without even searching them, and okay most of them make sense about changing the ending, but I still feel like they don't carry enough impact for the ending scene (I'm talking about the SCENE essentially) → [spoiler] for example, throwing the ixomen sphere makes sense by changing the ending, but come on xd we just throw a ball and it changes the action of our character. Adine's map works I guess, but I would prefer that giving the map would give a unique sequence where we visit the underground lab with Adine, and we learn something usefull to use in the end which will get us to the good ending. I feel like it's sort of the same problem than the investigation [/spoiler]
[h3] → Main character: [/h3]
About our main character, the game gives the idea at first that it will be a MC in who we can identify ourselves, which is the good thing to do for a dating game. However our MC reveals having a really big background, which is really good for the lore, but doesn't fit with my first point. The main problem tho is some moments where our MC just acts by himself [spoiler](Yeah I'm talking to you Bryce's "good ending") [/spoiler] which is reaaaally unsatisfying some times, the game should stay consistent in letting the player choose.
[h3] → Writing & Story: [/h3]
Just a little thing on the prose, I'm not a native english so I can't really tell how it feels, except some examples of really weirdly constructed sentences I saw. I kind of goes only for the litteral meaning and not drive any real emotions in the writing. However I have been able to understand everything despite not being the best in english, which is a the most important I think.
[b] (↓ ↓ ↓ Character limit so I continue in comments ↓ ↓ ↓) [/b]
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