Pixel Game Maker MV - Versatile JRPG Music Pack
$11.69 USD

Pixel Game Maker MV - Versatile JRPG Music Pack

Just like the story depicted by the icons of the RPG GAME MAKER series, this music pack wants to provide game developers who create JRPGs with various background music and sound effects needed from the beginner's village to the final boss battle.
ID de l'app2634750
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs Gotcha Gotcha Games, Lamplight
Éditeurs Gotcha Gotcha Games
Catégories Remote Play Together, Downloadable Content
Genres Casual, Action, Utilities, Game Development, Web Publishing, Design & Illustration, Education
Date de sortie18 Oct, 2023

Pixel Game Maker MV - Versatile JRPG Music Pack DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
837510 Pixel Game Maker MV Pixel Game Maker MV GAME 19 Sept, 2019

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
944836 Pixel Game Maker MV - Versatile JRPG Music Pack 11.69 $

Langues prises en charge
English Japanese
Captures d'écran
Pixel Game Maker MV - Versatile JRPG Music Pack

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