RPG Maker MZ - Willful Wind Music Pack
$7.19 USD

RPG Maker MZ - Willful Wind Music Pack

The Willful Winds Music Pack is a RPG Maker official resource pack. It contains 8 audio tracks with woodwind melodies, giving your projects a lively and energetic feeling. The audio tracks are not only great for RPGs, but any kind of project made with RPG Maker as well.
ID de l'app2565760
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs Gotcha Gotcha Games, Sweet Slush Games
Éditeurs Gotcha Gotcha Games
Catégories Partial Controller Support, Downloadable Content, Steam Workshop
Genres RPG, Game Development, Web Publishing, Design & Illustration, Education
Date de sortie20 Sept, 2023

RPG Maker MZ - Willful Wind Music Pack DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
1096900 RPG Maker MZ RPG Maker MZ GAME 27 Août, 2020

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
921460 RPG Maker MZ - Willful Wind Music Pack 7.19 $

Langues prises en charge
English Japanese
Captures d'écran
RPG Maker MZ - Willful Wind Music Pack

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