PixiEditor - Supporter Pack
$5.99 USD

PixiEditor - Supporter Pack

Supporter pack is a bundle that includes 21 hand-crafted color palettes and a badge in UI, that shows how cool you are. Purpose of this pack is to support growth of PixiEditor and PixiEditor Organization.
ID de l'app2435860
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs PixiEditor Organization
Éditeurs PixiEditor Organization
Catégories Downloadable Content
Genres Game Development, Photo Editing
Date de sortie3 Juil, 2023

PixiEditor - Supporter Pack DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
2218560 PixiEditor - Pixel Art Editor PixiEditor - Pixel Art Editor GAME 27 Fév, 2023

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
876551 PixiEditor - Supporter Pack 5.99 $

Langues prises en charge
Captures d'écran
PixiEditor - Supporter Pack
PixiEditor - Supporter Pack
PixiEditor - Supporter Pack
PixiEditor - Supporter Pack
PixiEditor - Supporter Pack
PixiEditor - Supporter Pack
PixiEditor - Supporter Pack
PixiEditor - Supporter Pack

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