Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers
$4.99 USD

Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers

Rude aliens have arrived to sample Earth's legendary all-you-can-eat buffet, and they're sending a smorgasboarding party down to YOUR dining room. Can you assemble and deliver their plates of food before the aliens wreck the restaurant?
ID de l'app2217800
Type d'appGAME
Développeurs Digital Eclipse
Éditeurs Digital Eclipse
Catégories Single-player, Steam Cloud, Partial Controller Support
Genres Casual, Indie, Action
Date de sortie15 Nov, 2023

Graphiques, statistiques et nombre de joueurs en direct sur Steam
Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers
0 Joueurs en Jeu
1 Pic historique
0,00 Note

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
794615 Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers 4.99 $

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Captures d'écran
Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers
Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers
Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers
Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers
Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers
Digital Eclipse Arcade: Invasion of the Buffet Snatchers

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