Isekai Janken Hero
$8.99 USD

Isekai Janken Hero

The Goddess of this new world has armed you with the power of rock-paper-scissors and tasked you to defeat a group of monster girl Overlords. Will you finally get the monster girl harem of your dreams, or does this sound too good to be true?
ID de l'app2143540
Type d'appGAME
Développeurs BFGS
Éditeurs Mango Party
Catégories Single-player
Genres Casual, Strategy, RPG, Adventure
Date de sortie21 Sept, 2023

Isekai Janken Hero DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
2232630 Isekai JanKen Hero Soundtrack Isekai JanKen Hero Soundtrack MUSIC 21 Sept, 2023
2232640 Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook Isekai Janken Hero-Digital ArtBook DLC 21 Sept, 2023

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
766789 Isekai Janken Hero 8.99 $

Langues prises en charge
English Korean
Japanese Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese
Bashful Cattia Bashful Cattia
Massive Massive
Sa-tits-faction Sa-tits-faction
Sweet Defeat Sweet Defeat
Headstrong Minos Headstrong Minos
Happy Minos Happy Minos
Weakness: Tail Weakness: Tail
Seductive Gekka Seductive Gekka
Feeding Time Feeding Time
Forceful Love Forceful Love

Captures d'écran
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero
Isekai Janken Hero

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