Visual Novel Maker - NPC Female Villagers Vol.1
$26.24 USD

Visual Novel Maker - NPC Female Villagers Vol.1

Adding voices to your game can add a lot of depth to the emotions expressed, but hiring a full cast for every character can quickly add up by a lot. But if you still want that little extra, the NPC female villagers pack is just for you!
ID de l'app2021670
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs TK.Projects
Éditeurs KOMODO
Catégories Downloadable Content
Genres Web Publishing
Date de sortie16 Juin, 2022

Visual Novel Maker - NPC Female Villagers Vol.1 DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
495480 Visual Novel Maker Visual Novel Maker GAME 16 Nov, 2017

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
729929 Visual Novel Maker - NPC Female Villagers Vol.1 26.24 $

Langues prises en charge
English Portuguese - Brazil
French German
Spanish - Spain Simplified Chinese
Traditional Chinese Japanese
Captures d'écran
Visual Novel Maker - NPC Female Villagers Vol.1

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