Crusaders of the Lost Idols: Dr. Theo Taskmaster Pack
$9.99 USD

Crusaders of the Lost Idols: Dr. Theo Taskmaster Pack

Taskmasters are helpers who can automate parts of the game. This pack unlocks the Dr. Theo taskmaster.
ID de l'app1812490
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs Codename Entertainment Inc.
Éditeurs Codename Entertainment Inc.
Catégories Single-player, Downloadable Content
Genres Casual, Indie, Free to Play
Date de sortie17 Nov, 2021

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
651707 Crusaders of the Lost Idols: Dr. Theo Taskmaster Pack 9.99 $

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Crusaders of the Lost Idols: Dr. Theo Taskmaster Pack

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