Bike Baron 2

Bike Baron 2

Bike Baron 2 is a wild motorbike racer packed with monster jumps and explosive hazards. It mixes platforming and puzzle elements with over-the-top physics and pixel-perfect controls. There's no better way to unleash your inner daredevil than to crash your bike from the safety of your room.
ID de l'app1582630
Type d'appGAME
Développeurs Mountain Sheep, Mureena
Éditeurs Cornfox & Brothers Ltd.
Catégories Single-player, Full controller support
Genres Action, Racing
Date de sortieComing soon

Langues prises en charge
Captures d'écran
Bike Baron 2
Bike Baron 2
Bike Baron 2
Bike Baron 2
Bike Baron 2
Bike Baron 2

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