Black Book - Supporter Pack
$3.99 USD

Black Book - Supporter Pack

The Support Pack includes the game's full soundtrack, an additional skin for Vasilisa, and the artbook with the game's history, folklore, concept art, and much more.
ID de l'app1535180
Type d'appDLC
Développeurs Morteshka
Catégories Single-player, Full controller support, Downloadable Content
Genres Indie, Strategy, RPG, Adventure
Date de sortie10 Août, 2021

Black Book - Supporter Pack DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
1138660 Black Book Black Book GAME 10 Août, 2021

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
541971 Black Book - Supporter Pack 3.99 $

Langues prises en charge
English Russian
Captures d'écran
Black Book - Supporter Pack
Black Book - Supporter Pack
Black Book - Supporter Pack
Black Book - Supporter Pack
Black Book - Supporter Pack
Black Book - Supporter Pack

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