Battlewake - OST
$3.49 USD

Battlewake - OST

When the siren songs of open waters, glittering treasure, and fierce freedom call to you, let the Battlewake OST transport you into the heart of the pirate's life. Composed by Jeremy Nathan Tisser, the creative soundsmith behind Raw Data's heart-pounding soundtrack, Battlewake's lush, elemental soundscapes will plunge you into a nautical...
ID de l'app1150060
Type d'appMUSIC
Développeurs Survios
Éditeurs Survios
Catégories Additional High-Quality Audio
Genres Casual, Indie, Strategy, Action, Simulation, Adventure
Date de sortie9 Sept, 2019

Battlewake - OST DLC
ID Nom Type Date de sortie
814400 Battlewake Battlewake GAME 10 Sept, 2019

Pack Liés
ID Nom Prix
391911 Battlewake - OST 3.49 $

Langues prises en charge
Captures d'écran
Battlewake - OST

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