Mejores Juegos de Tarjetas de intercambio de Steam en Steam - Página 131


Nombre Fecha de lanzamiento Jugadores actuales Máximo histórico Clasificación
The Ship: Murder Party The Ship: Murder Party 11 Jul, 2006 5 20 83.26
Pacific Storm Allies Pacific Storm Allies 18 Ago, 2008 5 11 57.62
Rock of Ages Rock of Ages 7 Sep, 2011 5 28 88.37
Secret of the Magic Crystals Secret of the Magic Crystals 3 Feb, 2010 5 7 78.54
Apotheon Apotheon 3 Feb, 2015 5 22 86.65
Tower Wars Tower Wars 14 Ago, 2012 5 13 69.97
PixelJunk™ Nom Nom Galaxy PixelJunk™ Nom Nom Galaxy 3 Ago, 2015 5 18 73.34
Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar Hegemony Rome: The Rise of Caesar 15 May, 2014 5 11 58.41
Sudeki Sudeki 24 Feb, 2014 5 15 83.92
Starpoint Gemini 2 Starpoint Gemini 2 26 Sep, 2014 5 19 67.93
Battle Worlds: Kronos Battle Worlds: Kronos 4 Nov, 2013 5 10 64.05
realMyst: Masterpiece Edition realMyst: Masterpiece Edition 5 Feb, 2014 5 25 84.70
8BitMMO 8BitMMO 26 Ene, 2015 5 22 59.01
Oozi: Earth Adventure Oozi: Earth Adventure 5 Dic, 2013 5 6 81.55
The Red Solstice The Red Solstice 9 Jul, 2015 5 160 68.92
LYNE LYNE 17 Mar, 2014 5 22 92.63
Haunt the House: Terrortown Haunt the House: Terrortown 6 Jun, 2014 5 94 83.42
Serious Sam's Bogus Detour Serious Sam's Bogus Detour 20 Jun, 2017 5 8 76.87
Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut Shantae: Risky's Revenge - Director's Cut 15 Jul, 2014 5 15 81.73
Star Ruler 2 Star Ruler 2 27 Mar, 2015 5 9 77.30
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