Journey To The Savage Planet
Jugadores en el juego
4 863 😀     677 😒
$8.99 USD

Journey To The Savage Planet

ID de la aplicacióon973810
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores Typhoon
Editores 505 Games
Categorías Single-player, Multi-player, Co-op, Online Co-op, Full controller support
Géneros Action, Adventure
Fecha de lanzamiento28 Ene, 2021

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
Journey To The Savage Planet
126 Jugadores en el juego
365 Máximo histórico
84,96 Clasificación

Journey To The Savage Planet Reseñas

Journey To The Savage Planet Contenido descargable
ID Nombre Tipo Fecha de lanzamiento
1503200 Journey to the Savage Planet - Hot Garbage Journey to the Savage Planet - Hot Garbage DLC 28 Ene, 2021

Paquetes relacionados
ID Nombre Precio
319446 Journey to the Savage Planet 8.99 $

Idiomas compatibles
Portuguese - Brazil Italian
German Spanish - Spain
Simplified Chinese Traditional Chinese
Japanese Russian
English Korean
Colonizer Colonizer
Cragclaw Defeated Cragclaw Defeated
Floopsnoot Queen Defeated Floopsnoot Queen Defeated
Teratomo Defeated Teratomo Defeated
Open Sesame Open Sesame
Aaaaaaand we're back Aaaaaaand we're back
Phone Home Phone Home
Cannibals Cannibals
Little Shop of Horrors Little Shop of Horrors
The $600 Man The $600 Man

Capturas de pantalla
Journey To The Savage Planet
Journey To The Savage Planet
Journey To The Savage Planet
Journey To The Savage Planet
Journey To The Savage Planet
Journey To The Savage Planet
Journey To The Savage Planet
Journey To The Savage Planet

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