Code of Princess EX
Jugadores en el juego
29 😀     16 😒
$1.99 USD

Code of Princess EX

Take the role of Princess Solange of DeLuxia as she fights to restore order in a world overrun with monsters. Armed with the legendary sword DeLuxcalibur, Solange gathers a team of fighters, and together they embark on an epic journey to confront the monster uprising and uncover its secret origins.
ID de la aplicacióon711380
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores Studio Saizensen
Editores Nicalis, Inc.
Categorías Single-player, Multi-player, PvP, Online PvP, Co-op, Online Co-op, Full controller support, Shared/Split Screen Co-op, Shared/Split Screen, Shared/Split Screen PvP
Géneros Action, RPG, Adventure
Fecha de lanzamiento2 Oct, 2020

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
Code of Princess EX
1 Jugadores en el juego
1 Máximo histórico
59,88 Clasificación

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Code of Princess EX
Code of Princess EX
Code of Princess EX
Code of Princess EX
Code of Princess EX
Code of Princess EX

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