Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine
Jugadores en el juego
887 😀     34 😒
$3.59 USD

Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine

Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine es una colección de cinco novelas visuales del equipo de juegos indie "Class Tangerine".
ID de la aplicacióon701930
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores 橘子班
Editores NVLMaker
Categorías Single-player, Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud, Partial Controller Support, Steam Trading Cards
Géneros Casual, Indie, Simulation, Adventure
Fecha de lanzamiento13 Sep, 2017

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine
1 Jugadores en el juego
7 Máximo histórico
90,38 Clasificación

Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine Reseñas

Paquetes relacionados
ID Nombre Precio
202298 Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine 3.59 $

The ghost is very cute The ghost is very cute
The ghost is not very cute The ghost is not very cute
I have two girlfriends I have two girlfriends
My girlfriend is invisible My girlfriend is invisible
Failed to lose weight Failed to lose weight
Succeed in weight loss Succeed in weight loss
Keep on losing weight Keep on losing weight
Never give up Never give up
Happy Halloween Happy Halloween
Happy Singles' Day Happy Singles' Day

Capturas de pantalla
Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine
Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine
Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine
Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine
Short Stories Collection of Class Tangerine

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