911 Operator
Jugadores en el juego
14 192 😀     1 749 😒
$14.99 USD

911 Operator

ID de la aplicacióon503560
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores Jutsu Games
Editores Games Operators
Categorías Single-player, Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud, Steam Trading Cards, Stats, Steam Workshop, Includes level editor
Géneros Casual, Indie, Strategy, Simulation
Fecha de lanzamiento24 Feb, 2017

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
911 Operator
60 Jugadores en el juego
115 Máximo histórico
86,91 Clasificación

911 Operator Reseñas

911 Operator Contenido descargable
ID Nombre Tipo Fecha de lanzamiento
580730 911 Operator - Special Resources 911 Operator - Special Resources DLC 24 Feb, 2017
580731 911 Operator - Every Life Matters 911 Operator - Every Life Matters DLC 7 Dic, 2017
606970 911 Operator - First Response 911 Operator - First Response DLC 24 Mar, 2017
606971 911 Operator - Search & Rescue 911 Operator - Search & Rescue DLC 26 Jul, 2018

Paquetes relacionados
ID Nombre Precio
115845 911 Operator 14.99 $

Idiomas compatibles
Portuguese - Brazil French
German Spanish - Spain
Simplified Chinese Japanese
Russian English
Korean Czech
Polish Turkish
Purple Heart Purple Heart
Field Training Officer Medal Field Training Officer Medal
Medal of Meritorious Service Medal of Meritorious Service
Medal of Valor Medal of Valor
Community Policing Medal Community Policing Medal
Lifesaving Medal Lifesaving Medal
Safe Driving Medal Safe Driving Medal
Tactical Squad Service Medal Tactical Squad Service Medal
Advanced Certification Medal Advanced Certification Medal
Sacrifice Medal Sacrifice Medal

Capturas de pantalla
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator
911 Operator

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