Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
Jugadores en el juego
160 😀     540 😒
$9.99 USD

Overlord: Fellowship of Evil

ID de la aplicacióon306670
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores Codemasters
Editores Electronic Arts, Codemasters
Categorías Single-player, Steam Achievements, Multi-player, Co-op, Full controller support, Remote Play on TV
Géneros Action, Adventure
Fecha de lanzamiento19 Oct, 2015

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
1 Jugadores en el juego
62 Máximo histórico
26,63 Clasificación

Overlord: Fellowship of Evil Reseñas

Paquetes relacionados
ID Nombre Precio
81805 Overlord: Fellowship of Evil 9.99 $
81806 Overlord: Fellowship of Evil 4-Pack 34.99 $

Idiomas compatibles
French Italian
German English
Spanish - Spain
Troll Trouble Troll Trouble
Prologue completion Prologue completion
Back from the dead! Back from the dead!
Act 1 completion Act 1 completion
Act 2 completion Act 2 completion
Act 3 completion Act 3 completion
Forge Fixer Forge Fixer
Party Crasher Party Crasher
Evil Residents Evil Residents
Evil Found A Way Evil Found A Way

Capturas de pantalla
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil
Overlord: Fellowship of Evil

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