New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
Jugadores en el juego
168 😀     5 😒
$16.99 USD

New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering

Experimenta la escalada y el búlder libre en solitario como nunca antes. Ve más allá en acantilados y estructuras reales. Mejora tus habilidades, viaja por el mundo y compite contra tus amigos desde la seguridad de tu computadora.
ID de la aplicacióon2179440
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores Wikkl Works
Editores WhisperGames, Wikkl Works
Categorías Single-player, Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud, Full controller support, Stats
Géneros Indie, Simulation, Early Access, Sports
Fecha de lanzamiento7 Jul, 2023

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
3 Jugadores en el juego
27 Máximo histórico
87,14 Clasificación

New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering Reseñas

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Idiomas compatibles
Portuguese - Brazil French
German Spanish - Spain
Simplified Chinese Japanese
English Korean
I can climb! I can climb!
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Capturas de pantalla
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering
New Heights: Realistic Climbing and Bouldering

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