Happy's Humble Burger Farm: Super Barnyard Buds (OST)
$0.49 USD

Happy's Humble Burger Farm: Super Barnyard Buds (OST)

A tribute to the video game soundtracks of old, to the genius composers who worked on consoles like the Super Nintendo and the Sega Genesis. If you’re a fan of chiptunes or VGM from the late ‘80s and early ‘90s, these SNES inspired tunes will be a welcome burst of nostalgia!
ID de la aplicacióon1832440
Tipo de aplicaciónMUSIC
Desarrolladores Scythe Dev Team
Editores tinyBuild
Fecha de lanzamiento3 Dic, 2021

Happy's Humble Burger Farm: Super Barnyard Buds (OST) Contenido descargable
ID Nombre Tipo Fecha de lanzamiento
1433340 Happy's Humble Burger Farm Happy's Humble Burger Farm GAME 3 Dic, 2021

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Capturas de pantalla
Happy's Humble Burger Farm: Super Barnyard Buds (OST)

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