Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
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$14.99 USD

Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets

ID de la aplicacióon1475840
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores SURT
Editores tinyBuild
Categorías Single-player, Steam Achievements, Full controller support
Géneros Indie, Action, Adventure
Fecha de lanzamiento1 Feb, 2023

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
8 Jugadores en el juego
23 Máximo histórico
88,27 Clasificación

Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets Reseñas

Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets Contenido descargable
ID Nombre Tipo Fecha de lanzamiento
2294270 RHYTHM SPROUT Soundtrack RHYTHM SPROUT Soundtrack MUSIC 1 Feb, 2023

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Idiomas compatibles
English Portuguese - Brazil
French Italian
German Spanish - Spain
Simplified Chinese Japanese
Russian Korean
Spanish - Latin America Norwegian
Platinum Record Platinum Record
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Capturas de pantalla
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets
Rhythm Sprout: Sick Beats & Bad Sweets

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