Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
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$19.99 USD

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered

Life is Strange: Before the Storm regresa con gráficos remasterizados de sus personajes y entornos.
ID de la aplicacióon1265930
Tipo de aplicaciónGAME
Desarrolladores Deck Nine
Editores Square Enix
Categorías Single-player, Steam Achievements, Steam Cloud, Full controller support
Géneros Action, Adventure
Fecha de lanzamiento1 Feb, 2022

Gráficos, estadísticas y conteo de jugadores de Steam en vivo
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
108 Jugadores en el juego
122 Máximo histórico
72,44 Clasificación

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered Reseñas

Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered Contenido descargable
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1537870 Life is Strange Remastered Collection 'Zombie Crypt' Outfit Life is Strange Remastered Collection 'Zombie Crypt' Outfit DLC 30 Sep, 2021

Paquetes relacionados
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Idiomas compatibles
Portuguese - Brazil French
Italian German
Spanish - Spain Simplified Chinese
Russian English
Spanish - Latin America Japanese
Recreational Vandalism Recreational Vandalism
I See U Saw I See U Saw
The Last Unicorn The Last Unicorn
Home Unimprovement Home Unimprovement
Rock Idol Rock Idol
Dramatis Personae Dramatis Personae
Mulligan Stew Mulligan Stew
Pioneer Spirit Pioneer Spirit
Face Your Anger Face Your Anger
Lucid Writing Lucid Writing

Capturas de pantalla
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered
Life is Strange: Before the Storm Remastered

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