Games by Labyrinthine - Steam Developer Stats

Name Release Date Current Players All-Time Peak Rating
Legend of Mysteria RPG Legend of Mysteria RPG 9 Oct, 2015 47 357 68.86
Labyronia RPG Labyronia RPG 14 Aug, 2015 12 438 71.72
Labyronia RPG 2 Labyronia RPG 2 28 Aug, 2015 5 800 73.04
Labyronia Elements Labyronia Elements 3 Dec, 2017 0 0 65.96
The End of Labyronia: Nerubis The End of Labyronia: Nerubis 13 May, 2020 0 2 64.78
The World of Labyrinths: Labyronia The World of Labyrinths: Labyronia 1 Jun, 2018 0 0 70.68
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