$0.69 USD
Floating girl
This is a casual airplane game. You're flying a plane in space looking down on Earth when a bunch of alien spaceships fire at you. You have to survive. As a bonus, survive to the end, and you'll be able to see the floating girl. Head out into space!
App-ID | 2629120 |
App-Typ | GAME |
Entwickler | 7miaogame |
Herausgeber | 7miaogame |
Kategorien | Single-player, Steam Achievements |
Genres | Casual |
Datum der Veröffentlichung | 4 Dez, 2023 |
Ähnliche Pakete
ID | Name | Preis |
942961 | 悬浮女孩 | 0.69 $ |
Unterstützte Sprachen
English | Japanese |
Simplified Chinese | French |
Italian | German |
Spanish - Spain | Arabic |
Bulgarian | Czech |
Danish | Dutch |
Finnish | Greek |
Hungarian | Korean |
Norwegian | Polish |
Portuguese - Portugal | Portuguese - Brazil |
Romanian | Russian |
Spanish - Latin America | Swedish |
Thai | Traditional Chinese |
Turkish | Ukrainian |
Vietnamese | Azerbaijani |
Albanian | Amharic |
Armenian | Assamese |
Afrikaans | Basque |
Belarusian | Bangla |
Bosnian | Valencian |
Welsh | Wolof |
Galician | Georgian |
Gujarati | Dari |
Zulu | Hebrew |
Igbo | Indonesian |
Irish | Icelandic |
Yoruba | Kazakh |
Kannada | Catalan |
Quechua | Kinyarwanda |
K'iche' | Konkani |
Xhosa | Kyrgyz |
Latvian | Lithuanian |
Luxembourgish | Macedonian |
Malay | Malayalam |
Maltese | Maori |
Marathi | Mongolian |
Nepali | Odia |
Punjabi (Gurmukhi) | Punjabi (Shahmukhi) |
Persian | Serbian |
Sotho | Sinhala |
Sindhi | Slovak |
Slovenian | Sorani |
Swahili | Tajik |
Tamil | Tatar |
Telugu | Tigrinya |
Tswana | Turkmen |
Uzbek | Uyghur |
Urdu | Filipino |
Hausa | Hindi |
Croatian | Cherokee |
Scots | Estonian |
Khmer |
Icons | |
Pass level 1 | |
Pass level 2 | |
Pass level 3 | |
Pass level 4 | |
Pass level 5 | |
Pass level 6 | |
Pass level 7 | |
Pass level 8 | |
Pass level 9 | |
Pass level 10 |