LegionVR, LLC 的游戏 - Steam发行商统计

名称 发行日期 现役球员 历史峰值 评级
The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 1: First Rites The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 1: First Rites 22 十一月, 2017 1 3 69.34
The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 2: Idle Hands The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 2: Idle Hands 22 十一月, 2017 0 0 66.76
The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 4: Samaritan The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 4: Samaritan 25 四月, 2018 0 0 69.44
The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 3: Skin Deep The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 3: Skin Deep 25 一月, 2018 0 0 63.89
The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 5: The Tomb The Exorcist: Legion VR - Chapter 5: The Tomb 14 八月, 2018 0 0 0.00