A journey of a lifetime...and beyond!Chrysalis follows the quest of Comet - a warrior monkey descended from the stars on a mission to save his ethereal mother who has become cocooned at the centre of the earth by the one known only as the mysterious 'Long Shadow'.
应用程序 ID | 438200 |
应用程序类型 | GAME |
开发人员 | OWLandFOX |
出版商 | OWLandFOX |
类别 | 单人游戏, Steam成就, 多人游戏, PvP, 合作社, 完全支持控制器, 共享/分屏合作, 共享/分屏, 远程同乐, 共享/分屏 PvP, 应用内购买, Steam创意工坊, 评论可用, Steam 转向通知 |
流派 | 休闲, 独立, 策略, 动作, 角色扮演, 冒险 |
发行日期 | Coming soon |
English | Japanese |
Simplified Chinese | French |
Italian | German |
Spanish - Spain | Arabic |
Bulgarian | Czech |
Danish | Dutch |
Finnish | Greek |
Hungarian | Korean |
Norwegian | Polish |
Portuguese - Portugal | Portuguese - Brazil |
Romanian | Russian |
Spanish - Latin America | Swedish |
Thai | Traditional Chinese |
Turkish | Ukrainian |
Vietnamese |