288 minutes
Rite of Passage: Hide and Seek is the third game in the Rite of Passage series. However, much like other Big Fish published games, this isn't a sequel to the first two. It does share a narrator who sort of acts as a 'quest giver', but otherwise the games are different.
The player starts with a memory about a fog that appeared as you were playing hide and seek with a bunch of your friends. You were the only one to escape, while your brother and father were lost to the fog. It cuts to the day after your mother died, and as you go through her belongings you find out that your father is still alive. This motivates you to find him and get to the bottom of the mysterious fog.
So how does this game play? It is a combination of Hidden Object Screens, Point and Click moments, and puzzles.
The HoS weren't tough, and I will give the game credit at least for trying to vary it up: some screens were 'what is different about this picture from this other one', while others had you search out items instead of just a written list.
Most of the puzzles aren't too tough, and if you played any number of HOGs, then they will certainly be recognizable.
Additionally, this game allows you to tailor the difficulty somewhat. You can lower the time for recharging hints or skipping puzzles to 15 seconds, or go beyond 90 seconds. This is especially helpful if you find such things tedious or tough.
The game also has a few instances where you have a chance to make dialogue choices and what you chose is supposed to affect the ending. Now, this boils down to a binary choice of 'altruistic of selfish', so don't expect any nuance. Unfortunately, I don't think most people will play this game just to see a different ending, but I appreciate the effort the dev did to change up the formula a little.
Finally, as this is a Collector's Edition, beating the main game opens up an additional story which acts as a mini-continuation.
The game doesn't allow Steam achievements, though there are some internal ones available which don't really affect much.
So did I find some negatives? Yes, but most of these boil down to personal tastes. First, there is no actual rite of passage that the player undergoes, unless you count some of the puzzles she has to solve to progress in the game.
Second is lack of environmental coherency in the game. Now, if you play the average HOG, there is a certain amount of disbelief you have to employ to enjoy the game. However, this seemed particular noticeable to me in this game.
Third is a minor bug I came across. During the occasional cut scenes, the sound/music didn't play. It played fine in ever parts of the game, and voice worked in all scenes. It is possible this was just something weird on my end.
Would I recommend this game? I would say yes if you buy it during a Steam sale. Otherwise, it is hard for me to recommend getting it at full price. It certainly isn't a bad game, but neither did I find it gripping enough to suggest going full price.
👍 : 6 |
😃 : 0