578 minutes
They really should have named this one "The Agency of Anomalies: Backtracker's Paradise". There were countless times I had to backtrack 8-10 screens, then go forward 8-10 screens to get an object, then go back 8-10 screen to use that object, then go forward 8-10 screens again. It's as if they knew the game wouldn't be long enough under normal circumstances, so they added endless backtracking to pad the length.
Overall, the main game was enjoyable enough, though the story didn't make sense and contradicted itself at times. It had a mix of find-by-name, find-by-silhouette, and put-item-where-it-belongs hidden object scenes, and they were enjoyable. The mini-games in the main game were fun except for the ones to activate the special powers. A few of those mini-games had you moving the mouse around to try to rotate a bunch of lines to form a picture without telling you what the picture is, so you just keep moving the mouse endlessly until it says you did it. Another few of those were mini-games in which you had to fill a winding snake-like path with bubbles of seltzer water from a bottle by pressing or holding the mouse button to "spray" the water; this type of game was very frustrating, and I'm still not sure why some attempts worked but most didn't.
And then begins the "bonus" game. First of all, let's be honest, it's not a bonus game. You pay extra for the "Collector's Edition" over the standard edition of a game (even if the standard edition is not available on Steam). When you pay for something, it's not a bonus. The bonus game was completely frustrating without a single minute of enjoyment. If the main game were called "Backtracker's Paradise", the bonus game would be called "Backtracker's Nirvana". Additinally, there were three mini-games in which each one was split into three sections. You have to play the first section, get an object from it, go do something with that object, come back and play the second section, get an object, do something with that object, and then come back and play the third section. These games were extremely tedious and difficult, with no enjoyment. For these puzzles, I ended up using the in-game strategy guide where I could, and then skipped the last game (because the strategy guide didn't bother including the solution). The bonus game was so bad with no fun whatsoever, I didn't feel bad about cheating and skipping. I just wanted it to be over.
I like hidden object games, and I've heard good things about the ones published by Big Fish, but this one just isn't worth your time or money.
👍 : 4 |
😃 : 0