584 minutes
[h1] This game is probably [i] not [/i] for you if: [/h1]
[u] 1. You want a long 8+ hour game with lots of content for each character. [/u]
Overall, the game with all of the routes took me about six to seven hours to complete. I am a fairly average reader who listens to all the voice-acting, so based on your reading speed and playing style the game could be this long or could be much shorter for you. I must emphasize that each character's route is, in actuality, [i] extremely [/i] short. [spoiler]Almost immediately after starting to date, the route would end.[/spoiler] However, for the price of the game, it seems only natural and understandable.
[u] 2. You want a visual novel that will truly be affected by the choices you make. [/u]
The only real choices you can make in this game is which girl you want, [spoiler] which is very straightforward as you just, quite literally, select the desired girl. Other than that, there is only one other choice that is very insignificant and I'm sure doesn't change anything except for one or two lines. Once you choose a girl, there's nothing you can do to change the outcome from then on [/spoiler]. Unlike other choice-dependent visual novels, there are no normal or bad routes that can be attained through your choices, only a good one.
[u] 3. You are uncomfortable with homophobia themes. [/u]
This game does not condone homophobia in any way; however, it is a main topic in the story. If just reading about the topic is harmful to you, you might not want to pick up the game.
[u] 4. You want an equally romantic and erotic game between two women alike. [/u]
The proportion for explicit scenes and romantic scenes definitely leans toward the former. The sexual intercourse is fairly immediate [spoiler] after choosing a girl [/spoiler]. There are quite a lot of sexual scenes, about [spoiler] three to five [/spoiler] for each character, and about [spoiler] one to two [/spoiler] really romantic scenes. The romance is very fast-paced and immediate. If you're looking for a primarily romantic game with some sexual scenes on the side, this is not the game for you.
[u] 5. You want a game with a mature art style. [/u]
The art style in the game is very cutesy. All of the girls look very young and cute, although none are minors. However, if you're into cute and adorable art styles, then you would probably enjoy the style.
[h1] This game probably [i] is [/i] for you if: [/h1]
[u] 1. You want a visual novel with various character routes. [/u]
While there are barely any choices besides character selection, there are [spoiler] three [/spoiler] characters to choose from that each have stories of their own and a variation of romances, as well as their own CGs (special full-screen images). There are about [spoiler] four to five [/spoiler] CGs for each character; they are very nicely drawn and portray skill.
[u] 2. You want a game with a good storyline. [/u]
The game starts with a strong storyline and a story for the main character, as well as for the rest of the girls. They do not go more into depth with their storylines, but nonetheless it can be a very interesting read.
[u] 3. You want an erotic lesbian game with explicit images. [/u]
There are about [spoiler] nine [/spoiler] sexual CGs in the game, although you would have to download the patch to fully obtain them. They are very nicely drawn and the writing and dialogue is fairly great, too.
[h1] Other Points [/h1]
The voice-acting in the game is overall mediocre at best. [spoiler] I found Kyoko's voice-acting to be pretty good quality, while Rin and Megumi's sounded satisfactory most of the time and sometimes just poor in quality. [/spoiler] Similarly, the soundtrack is average and consistent with the scenes.
In addition, the game is very easy to navigate; one is able to add or remove the voice-acting, as well as control its volume and the volume of the background music. You can put the game on auto-mode and adjust how quickly the text shows up. You can press the key "h" to hide the text window and fully observe the image being portrayed; this pertains to many other visual novels on Steam, I've found.
I should also mention that there is no option to view the CGs you have seen for each character unless you're in-game and in the scene that it pertains to. I was surprised that there was no option in the main menu titled "Gallery" or something of the like. So, if you want to keep or review the images, you'll have to take a screenshot in-game.
[h1] Opinions [/h1]
Most of everything under this subtitle is pure spoilers pertaining to the story and is not objective.
I, personally, prefer mature art styles so I was not sure if I should purchase the game, but the cutesy art here really can make me smile from how warm and cute it is. [spoiler] Notably, Megumi's wide smile is enough to make my day! Her design is so adorable and attractive at the same time! Rin's design is a bit too cutesy and young for me, but Kyoko's is fairly mature looking and very attractive! [/spoiler]
I really enjoyed the storyline quite a lot, [spoiler] but I was very disappointed when I finished Megumi's route so quickly, as the romance was only [i] really [/i] starting to bloom between her and Yume. It would have been nice if Megumi brought Yume to her studio and read out some of the lyrics to her songs, and if we could learn more about her creative side with music; the same goes for the other characters. In addition to that, it would've been nice to know how their manga turned out in the end, successfully-wise. There was never a feeling of closure to their stories.
Also, the "plot twist" of Koyomi actually being Kyoko all along was fairly obvious, but it was pretty humorous [/spoiler].
The game rarely moved me emotionally; however, there is one scene that is very memorable to me and I hold dear to my heart. [spoiler] The scene where Kyoko is outside of Yume's house soaking wet from the rain, wearing a wedding dress from her failed marriage, crying, and yelling that "I said no for you, Yume, because I love you!". It really almost brought me to tears. The kiss afterward made me smile widely and really showed how much love Kyoko has for Yume. It really moved me and has a place in my heart; I absolutely love the concept of disregarding all else for the sake of love. Kyoko is definitely my favorite girl and route! [/spoiler]
[h1] Conclusion [/h1]
I am looking forward to any upcoming bonus content, as long as there's some romance and cuteness. [spoiler] I really hope the slumber party bonus has not been scrapped, so I will continue waiting for it! [/spoiler] I can't say that the game is one of my favorites, and quite honestly I would not have liked it much at all if not for the [spoiler] Kyoko in a wedding dress [/spoiler] scene.
Although the game was fairly short and had its downs, I do not regret buying it. It is not really a high quality game with an intricate storyline and romances, but overall it is worth the price.
[i] [u] I give this game 2.5 stars out of five.
👍 : 41 |
😃 : 2