254 minutes
Incredibly good concept, but needs a lot of work to be done, gun rework is needed, as the recoil is questionable at best, since first bullets are accurate but the travel speed is insanely slow, plus no specific hitbox that defines which is what, a headshot is the same as hitting the toe, its that just some guns take away more health than others (because of the bullet spread), although handgun is quite broken because the recoil restarts pretty fast, especially compared to the rest of the arsenal, and because of the distance travel, if you have decent aim, you can calmly kill everyone from a distance, not needing long range weapons, and up close just spam with it and you're good, the shotgun with the spread/bouncing bullets (or whatever they are) is really cool concept but its range is close up of course, because although you could hit from a longer range the travel of bullets is so slow its way to easy to dodge, the sub-machine/rifle is laughable, short range its alright i guess, although the delay on that gun is terrible, and sometime even up close because of the their recoil system and super slow cooldown time, you will get destroyed by a spamming pistol. sniper rifle is garbage, hard to aim, no scope, and sort of slow travel bullet time, but if you do get a hit and someone is full health it will do nearly no damage, and you have to finish them of with 4-5 bullets with a pistol, and i believe the rocket launcher is a one hit kill only if its directly on target, and if you manage to hit a tiny corner in front of you you will be dead, so you can't really be sneaky about it. recoil is bad although if you play behind a wall and wait for it to cool down and repeak that is one way of doing, or being super up close but trying to be behind the enemy because you'll need time for recoil/gun firing restriction to cool down before shooting and needing a solid 4 hits on them, so best is preying on those who are almost down or sprinting and doing a b-hop of sort which can help you get faster to your destination, and never trying to play long distance. there are no objectives besides kill this x amount before round ends, and since the game is pretty dead, you'll be mostly playing with bots. and all the other guns are absolute trash, like the smoke grenade launcher and decoy gun, they are too obvious and you will be spotted, too linear and too short of an effect, if it had some team based Incentive like cs:go, rainbow six, or any other military tactical shooters, then it would be useful and fun. all in all, has great potential since the echolocation is very new and could be experienced with to bring a new experience as well as it having low expectation for a need of a high end computer, a potato will do just fine. with all this the fact that every step, crouch a shot, or a sonar signal sent out to see the outline of the map is really cool as the enemy can see you for a short time, and you too can locate them with you sonar if they are trying to be sneaky, as well as the fact that if you don't have quite the info on the map but you are nearby you see ripples of sound of where the person is, and having sound now being more important than ever, i'm really hoping and waiting for any further updates, and hopefully the devs listen and have time to put into this game to improve it, as they themselves want it to be in the e-sports, so its up to them to make it happen, and up to us to keep them motivated
recap; guns need rework (recoil because to slow of a cooldown and no pattern, bullet travel time, and balancing/rebalancing the guns), echolocation is great but needs to be implemented in some sort of a goal (team based goal of sort, 5v5, capture the flag, hide and seek, etc), hitboxes (adding different damage to each part of body), and movement could be changed a little since it feels a little wonky and slow and sprint does feel fast but only works if you go in one direction.
and for now i would still recommend the game because of its potential and game changing possibilities, but at this early state i would hold of for now and look for updates in the future
TL;DR: basically Toph simulator with guns set in the future
👍 : 2 |
😃 : 0