56 minutes
Okay, I will admit that I wanted to like this game. And honestly, The core of the game was fun. Its just that it was extremely broken. The Devs need to go back and fix the Frame Rate and the Crashes. And honestly, they need to make the game less confusing. The game may say you need to go to this location, but the game is so spread out there is no knowing where that location is.
I finally had to request a refund when I couldn't figure out where the hotel was on my own. I stumbled into quest blind, not completely knowing why I was there. The controls for driving aren't laid out, and when I say that, I don't mean 'oh I don't know how to turn left and right' because that wasn't an issue. The issue was I couldn't get out of my vehicle on my own without a random quest being there. Since I'm sure there would be a point where there are no location quest but you have to get food for the hotel, that is a serious issue.
The Frame Rate wasn't imposible, I'll say that. But it was slow enough that if I wasn't on my tactical game, zombies would easily come and munch me like a bag of chips. There are many players who would have flipped out faster and gotten themselves killed with that frame rate, So that despreately needs to be fixed.
As for crashes, I only dealt with one before I requested a refund. I was in the middle of a hoard of monsters (not completely sure they were zombies) and I needed to change off my shotgun because I had like 3-4 shots left in it. So I press the convient O button to swap to my chainsaw. The game couldn't have crashed faster. I've read below that there were many more crashes in the game so I didn't put up with it.
Alright, so why the heck did I buy a game with nearly no positive reviews to it?
I really wanted to like this game. I am obsessed with apocalyptic and survival games, as any of my friends they'll tell you the same. So when I saw this, I got excited.
I really like the mechanic where you constantly have to forge for food. I love how you craft weapons, ammo, hotel supplies, and food. I think that is amazing and the things on those list aren't really easy to get. Very fun for hardcore survivalist like me.
I really like how in the beginning the devs give you plenty of ammo to help you get the learning curve. You essentially have no fear of running out of ammo in the beginning, with over 70-100 shots of shotgun ammo, around 200-250 pistol ammo, and 250 chainsaw fuel (I sadly never got to try out the chainsaw as mentioned above when I attempted) the weapons you start with are not top notch. It is a rusty pistol and shotgun. Still they are extremely helpful in the beginning when you are clearing out zombies from the hotel and maybe a couple missions before you actually have to start crafting ammo.
The hotel was pretty nice, for an apocalypse hotel. There were so many issues in the hotel to fix that I got excited, thinking of the time I could have soon fixing up the hotel into a 5 star joint.
Since many of you won't play this, I'll say this, Bruno is the most helpful companion in the game, my opinion. He'll charge zombies, bitting them to death taking almost no damage whatsoever. Very useful with the low frame rate, he'll keep you from being instantly swarmed when you load up the map.
I guess in conclusion, This game would have been amazing. I'm not biased against it. But these errors were right at the start of the game. I had hardly finished my first mission when all this sadly came to a head. I wanted to love this game, But unless the Devs fix these bugs and add in location markers to help players get to places, This game will never gain positive ratings.
One last thing before I go, Only play one day and night to see how it goes for you. The Devs do not give you a time skip button, and at one point try to 'recommend' you to wait it out until morning. Do Not Do This. There is no time skip button, so you are forced to sit there waiting for day to come slowly, which will Wear Down your steam time until the point where Steam will look at your time card when you go to request a refund for it, and they will think you a liar and deny you. Don't get caught in it. Keep to one day and one night to see if you actually like the game.
👍 : 70 |
😃 : 0