304 minutes
Although I recommend Hooked on You I only do so if the following are all true:
-$10 is a fair price for a very 4th wall aware meta-humor visual novel about
-The Dead by Daylight lore that you care about in that other game you play and
-You're enough of a DbD fan to enjoy and be aware of the running gags in the community...
Like wanting to bang monstrous serial killers but hey, hahaha, you shouldn't want that! Woah!
DbD is a serious horror game about teams of survivors evading killers in games held by a dark god to reap misery from the victims as their souls are flayed. For $20 it's a fun multiplayer-only ride until you become addicted and burn out or can't turn off your awareness of the balancing flaws, going insane and becoming a long-form Youtube essayist. Hooked on You ran with community jokes about being horny for the monsters but DbD itself provides extensive backstories that make them sympathetic, most tragic and undeserving of super damnation. Unless they're key IP picks for the series like Resident Evil or Alien. Anyway. HoY has the Entity place four killers and the cutest schlub in the world(apparently) on a tropical island to play with in a VN, making this technically canon within the Entity's powers. If any of this is a spoiler then you may not be enough of a fan for HoY.
We've got to look to the story because as per most VNs there isn't any real gameplay. Sorry, spinning arrow and clicky circle aren't jingly enough keys to distract me. You read text, enjoy the character-driven dialogue and narrative and try to make decisions so that the scary yet arousing bear of a woman wants to cuddle you. The killer personalities are differentiated and their stories interesting enough to make it a pretty good jaunt to run through the game four times with just enough twists to not be brainless or foolproof. Hey, I am one of those big DbD fans after all, I'm buying what the devs are selling. The island and 3 days to woo storyline get the job done, though it's surprisingly hard to actually make the killers mad early on(hey, I'm a bleak VN fan too, give me some extended bad ends!) Where HoY plants its flag and refuses to budge is that it is very firmly on the self-aware meta humor side of things. HoY is a big joke, a living meme, and the authors will not be taking the premise seriously. It's an entertaining game with a few sincere moments and hints of a greater plot but spoilers later on about that.
Visuals and music are good. If you're after killer lewds and can't master a search engine then there's some cuties and hunks to ogle at, some charming tropical vistas. As everything is text on still images we can't go too crazy with praise here but hey, good job. The writing is also, if you enjoy the meta humor approach, able to raise a few chuckles and consistently competent. I did have a rough bug that made saving and reloading a pain(but the game is so short I brute forced things) and basic VN features like the fast forward aren't as good as other VNs. It's a fun time if you've got enough DbD superfan brain damage to at least smirk at the first few dialogues.
*Spoilers* ahead. What hurts HoY is the refusal to take anything seriously. If you're on board with the wink wink nudge nudge... well, the slap you in the face, DO YOU GET IT style of writing then sure, it's good enough. There was room to take it seriously though. The original writing for DbD produces some good horror tragedy, as long as we're not talking Skull Merchant, and even in this game we see long shadows cast by the trauma of the killers. It shaped them and guides what they look for in others pretty well, leading to satisfaction at the end of a path won. I could see a longer game with fewer but more involved paths taking things seriously and making one of those survivor x killer setups come true, a tragic romance with the occasional wink at the player. My view isn't the only right way but with how hard HoY goes for pure comedy there's room for some moderation, yeah?
The humor gets grating at times, there's a point where repeated jokes beg you to laugh without confidence in the writing. Might hit a bit better if it was a surprise every so often. Even for enjoyers there's some bizarre decisions like redundant narrators(the ocean or the narrator, pick one, the reveal of both being the same amounts to nothing) and mistakes like making Huntress overly verbose, which is a character writing error and a problem with everyone having the same voice, especially with the same jokes repeated ad nauseam. When everybody is wacky they start to blend together.
Lastly there are hints of a true ending(escape, not Trickster) that doesn't exist, getting a boo from me. If you full clear the game(and it doesn't bug out) you can get an extra joke ending and that's it. Although HoY jokes about it frequently it does feel like a game that was given about 75% of a development, as though the team were embarrassed to be here. A fleshed out true end path would suit even the jokey HoY we got, at least if we can't get a DbD love story with more sincerity than the two moments per story path where the killer isn't a punchline. Speaking of, all of the bad endings feel quite lazy, played exactly the same as the good paths but saying "no lol" at the last second. *End Spoilers*
The team did good work for a $10 game but unfortunately HoY is a below average VN if you lack attachment to the franchise. It's an entertaining afternoon if you're on board with all that and not confused by the premise! Don't expect much past the jokes, it's difficult to take a story more seriously than the writers didn't, but I think they did a pretty good job for what we did get!
👍 : 4 |
😃 : 1