280 minutes
So, I'll be doing something a little different here, as there are two direct sequels to this game, I'll basically be reviewing them as a trio.
Between all three, I can say that the VFX, SFX, BGM, and UI are all beyond reproach. The CGs are great, but could be better - it seems like they made some small sacrifices to the quality to add animation, that - while better than usual - seemed ultimately pointless. The characters too were quite well done in that they all have an actual personality beyond "fuck me for reasons"- the sex feels... earned, for lack of any better term; each one is pretty, and pretty unique in terms of appearance. (I'm quite pleased that they seemed to steer clear of the bog-standard big tiddied blonde with blue or green eyes.) The game actually has a STORY, and while a little on the simple side, the sex is as a result of the story and not the impetus for it.
(RE:FTS1) Credit where it's due, the game(/s) does(/do) make a good point of giving each character ample time to develop. Despite being a "sextet", each game only focuses on two characters, and briefly introduces a few others. For character development, I like this approach, but there are problems that crop up later as a result. Lupine and Daisy are both likable to varying degrees, though I think the way they handled the developing relationships was... unnatural; in reverse order. The biggest disappointment however is just how short the game is - a common theme, sadly.
(RE:FTS2) Continuing the trend of giving the characters the development they deserve, I think they did the best job with Dahlia and Veronica. The story too was more complex, if not necessarily better, as this game too is short. The story feels a little rushed and rife with deus ex machina, still I'm impressed they managed to squeeze in as much as they did without turning it into an incomprehensible mess. Unfortunately this is where giving each character the development they need starts showing it's downsides - despite the fact that Lupine and Daisy are as integral to the story as ever, they get very little attention. Which feels wrong - you spend the whole to the first game developing a relationship with them, and growing to love them; then they're set by the wayside to such a degree that they practically no longer exist.
(RE:FTS3) The story here is the sloppiest, they spend a significant chunk of the first half making Anzu an insufferable cunt, only to try and redeem her later. I understand her reasons, as I too wear a mask, but that doesn't excuse being a lazy antagonistic twat for the whole of the interactions with her up to this point (including the who knows how many months or years they were co-workers before being transported to this world). Plumeria redeems the story though, to the point of being tolerable. Her developments make sense and are well timed (plus she's the most attractive character, imo). Again, though - the previous characters get practically abandoned. At times, Lupine and Daisy will act jealous and/or possessive - and it's hard to blame them.
Given each game's length, I see no reason why it should've been divided into 3 parts; I can only assume it was a cash grab tactic on the part of the devs, as there are other VNs with better CGs that are as long as (or longer) than all 3 of these games combined. As such, I cannot recommend any of these games individually, especially at 13USD. HOWEVER - I can recommend getting all 3 together. They're good enough to justify the 39USD price tag. That said, I do wish they were significantly longer, individually or as a group - giving some love (even if just figuratively) to previous characters.
7/10 as a group
👍 : 12 |
😃 : 1