Black Ice Bewertungen

Black Ice
10 Gesamtbewertungen
10 Positive Bewertungen
0 Negative Bewertungen
Negativ Bewertung

Black Ice hat insgesamt 10 Bewertungen erhalten, davon 10 positive und 0 negative Bewertungen, was zu einer Gesamtbewertung von „Negativ“ führt.

Neueste Steam-Bewertungen

Dieser Abschnitt zeigt die 10 neuesten Steam-Bewertungen für das Spiel und präsentiert eine Mischung aus Spielerfahrungen und Meinungen. Jede Bewertungsübersicht enthält die gesamte Spielzeit sowie die Anzahl der positiven und negativen Reaktionen, wodurch das Feedback der Community klar dargestellt wird.

Spielzeit: 7125 Minuten
Just want the foil badge
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 2333 Minuten
A great Game. It's cheap, a lot of fun and the developer keeps updating the game. A must have!
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 596 Minuten
I really like this game. I love cyberspace, I love AIs, I love fighting evil corporations, I love the classical cyberspace artstyle of it all, I love hacking games, I love shooters. And this game has it all! It deserves way more attention and positive reviews.
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 22229 Minuten
After another few dozen hours, a few bug reports, and considering I had many years ago sent you (the developer) an exhausting feedback-e-mail pertaining to exponential damage scaling, I thought it would not hurt to provide my own review once again. I should start with the preamble that "Looter-Shooters" are among my most favorite genre, which the playtimes of certain games in my library can attest to. Second, I have followed the game since closely after its release, so I am well-aware of how things have changed over the years. There were good (and bad) changes made since the earliest of accesses. I believe a simple PRO, NEUTRAL & CON list will illustrate my opinion the best: PROS: + A timeless art style that will look great in 25 years + Fittingly simple yet atmospheric soundtrack + impactful sound effects + Plenty of enjoyable Verticality in the level design (e.g. Volcano) that hopefully gets expanded upon [remember when everything was a flat surface?) + A huge variety of equipment [Weapons + Offensive/Defensive/Utility Powers], with plenty of randomized attributes + Most of the equipment actually feels viable to use, enabling a variety of builds + Leveling Up + Reaching Perk Milestones feels fast and satisfying + A surprising amount of enemy variety, which can have their own subtypes (Fire, Ice, Invisible etc.) + Delightfully fast-paced gameplay, especially in the early-game + Generally free of errors, bugs, crashes, stability issues etc. + A developer who cares since almost 7 years and still does NEUTRAL (improvable): ~ Usually fluid 60fps, but rarely and for no apparent reason the framerate drops permanently, requiring restart. The game should not be intense in graphics and maybe requires some optimization ~ Legendary Items (Purple) have their unique charm, but overall their use and power is a bit lackluster [looking at you Disco Ball] ~ Some Special Powers (Executables) had clearly enjoyed more love and care than others ~ "Reload-Mechanic" (Green - Charge mechanic) instead of / in addition to RAM-based Cooldown on some weapons is frustrating ~ Some Weapons (Blunderbuss) and many Executable have too long Cooldowns ~ RAM management is, depending on the build, either none-existent or somewhat limiting ~ Early attempts at an intriguing story that provides context to the gameplay ~ There are quests, though their effects on gameplay is minimal as of yet ~ RIP Jetpack CONS: - The bounty system at the moment is broken. Not because it does not function, but because it functions too well. It is easy to fulfill hundreds of bounties in just 1 hour. Entering the menu every few seconds to claim a reward, reroll for something you can do, exit and repeat is not what I'd call fluid gameplay. The rewards are sometimes neat, but overall the bounty system is mostly used to grind massive amounts of exp in a short time - Money is useless (except for re-rolling bounties), because Shops barely provide anything worthwhile - In-game Text Pop-ups are almost impossible to read and easy to miss, too. - The almost inability to reset your character's bonuses from levels and perks discourages even early-game, much less late-game experimentation (There is a room in which you can test things out, but it hardly compares to actual gameplay) - The barebone Perk System. I'm not even talking about the Perks themselves, of which some are awesome and impactful [Heals turned AoE for example], but many are not much more than X-increase to stat, often when doing Y. The layout of the perk-tree (or rather menu) is non-existent, the amount available is lacking, and the progression curve is bizarre (since you can level way past the last time you get a perk) - And the worst CON of them all that imo makes and breaks the balance of the game - The Weapon Damage stat. Everything in your arsenal scales with it. Weapons, Executables, Minions, even Returned Damage. Now in general, that would not be bad, but we are talking of flat bonuses + hundreds of percentage increases (that interact with each other) even early on. The issue is that enemies are clearly scaling with that in mind. If weapon damage is not taken on practically every level up, the game quickly turns from a highly energetic and fast pazed shooter to a sluggish crawl. Even if you do, it will still take longer and longer to deal with enemes the higher your/their level. Worse, the other selectable stats are frankly not needed. The player generally has sufficient HP, RAM and similar attributes, and equipment attributes provide plenty of bonuses anyway. It's not at all hard to survive in this game with 1 Healing item and a few item attributes that provide healing or bonuses to it. So what is the summary of this? Frankly, Black Ice is a fun game and undoubtedly worth the low asking price. It is perfectly functional as it is, but as many things are there is plenty of room for improvement. Will it improve? Knowing GC, no doubt!
👍 : 1 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 4536 Minuten
In my opinion the game is fantastic and makes fun. The controls are easy to lern and the fights don't get bored. NICE GAME! :) Meiner Meinung nach ist das Spiel fantastisch und macht Spaß. Die bedienung ist leicht szu erlernen und die Kämpfe werden nicht langweilig. Super Spiel! :) -DeaXxxx
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 2249 Minuten
Bis auf die Tatsache, dass man nach manchen Updates einen neuen Character erstellen muss, ist es ein super Spiel :)
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 3880 Minuten
Dieses Spiel ist wirklich fantastisch. Es gibt viele verschiedene Taktiken und ist für jeden der solche ``einfachen`` Spiele, wie Spiele ohne Jetpack o.ä. mag perfekt. Ein einfaches, spannendes und doch für jeden gemachtes Spiel
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 2098 Minuten
Ein unglaublich interessantes Game. Ein Shooter mit extrem vielen Items und Waffen, RPG like Skill-System und vieles mehr. Der Multiplayer macht viel Spaß, wobei man natürlich aufpassen muss, dass man einen Raum nicht zu schnell leer macht. Mir macht es Spaß, ich würde es wieder kaufen!
👍 : 2 | 😃 : 0
Spielzeit: 5456 Minuten
Dieses Spiel ist ziemlich cool und Shadowrun-Fans werden diese Cyber-Welt mögen. Jeder, der das Konzept vom Cyberspace feiert, sollte sich dieses Spiel mal ansehen :)
👍 : 2 | 😃 : 1
Spielzeit: 404 Minuten
Uplink trifft Quake trifft Cyberpunk trifft Diablo trifft Tron.... Habe das Spiel schon sehr lange und spiele es immer wieder gerne zum Frustabbau. Da draußen gibt es jede Menge Hackergames (Uplink, HackNet, Proxy - Ultimate Hacker, MudHacher usw..), aber Black Ice hebt sich angenehm von den üblichen Hackergames ab. Die MetaEbene des Hackens ist in einem knallharten EgoShooter verpackt. Feindliche Programme, Viren, was auch immer greifen euch an, wenn ihr Server hackt. Diese gekillt, hinterlassen jede Menge nützliche Hackergadets, die ihr nutzen könnt um euch zu verbessern und schneller aufzuleveln oder zu verkaufen. Fühlt sich irgendwie sehr OpenWorld an, begleitet von cooler Synth/Cyberpunk Musik. Eignet sich hervorragend für Hardcorezocker die gerne mal Stunden am Stück in einem Game versenken, aber auch für gestresste Workaholics, deren Zeitmanagtment für Spiele eher knapp berechnet sind (Keine tiefe Story, einfaches Gameplay, schneller Flow) PS: Offlinezocker! Meine tatsächliche Spielzeit dürfte weitaus höher liegen... Großes Lob an die Entwickler. Dieses Spiel wird nun schon seit Jahren immer wieder geupdated, mit neuen Inhalten gefüllt usw.
👍 : 0 | 😃 : 0
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